Pipe Down Law Enforcement Training

About Pipe Down

Meet the Founder of Pipe Down

Your instructor, Daren Schofield, was employed by the San Mateo County Sheriff's Office from 1984 ‐ 2013. During his career, he worked nearly every assignment in that office, including Corrections, Courts and Transportation, Street Patrol, and five years in the Detective Bureau, including four years assigned to sex crimes and major crimes.

In 2007, Daren was promoted to the rank of Sergeant and reassigned to the Main Jail. In 2010, he was assigned to the Vehicle Theft Task Force (V.T.T.F.) as the Special Agent Supervisor. During his tenure at the Task Force, arrests in that unit increased ten-fold, without additional budgetary increases.

During his 29-year career, Daren enjoyed a reputation for innovation, regularly “thinking outside the box” when investigating cases. Working this wide variety of assignments over his career has allowed Daren to bring a unique perspective to this exhaust enforcement class; specifically, how to assemble an engaging lesson plan that allows officers and deputies to transition from the classroom, directly to the street where those attending complete the training experience by issuing citations to violators in the field.

Lastly, spending considerable time in the courts has given Daren insight into effective testimony, having heard hundreds of law enforcement personnel testify as well as establishing relationships with attorneys on both sides of the table. He knows what compelling testimony is and can convey the most effective ways to testify in court. After living near a busy street and experiencing the disruption caused by noise violators, Daren committed himself to helping improve the quality of our communities through developing and presenting this course. He is the founder of this training and is the creator of a unique enforcement kit that is both small and lightweight and has been proven to be effective in the field.